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Uses for Air Transport
Air transport has become an accessible option for freight, but that does not make it right for your situation. If you are considering air transport, two primary types of goods benefit most from this choice: time-sensitive and high-flexibility.
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With time-sensitive items, there is simply no other way to get them there on time. Whether the cargo is perishable or not, your client expects the goods on time. This option generally requires a very reliable transport company.
Your company uses air transport to deliver a flexible response based on current data with high-flexibility. You may find this highly beneficial for in-demand products. It’s also an efficient option if you need to manage your own resources.
Considerations with Air Transport
Unfortunately, air transit is often among the most expensive ways to transport freight. This cost must often be passed on to the consumer. However, if you have a product they need, you may find the convenience of air freight worth this consideration.
Additionally, while rare, there are times when shipments do get lost in the chaos of the airports, grounded due to weather, or any number of other incidents beyond your control. It’s best to account for these as well.

The SMINLO Approach
At SMINLO, we make air transport easy to anywhere in the world. We always find the quickest and most effective route for your freight, and we do it with your budget in mind. We can handle everything from small packages to the whole aircraft.
As always, you can expect exceptional service, security, and tracking. Our system ensures that you always know where your goods are and their projected route. We’re also experts at mixing and matching transport options so that you get the most cost-effective deal.